Dave Hillman
figuring things out...
Some things to think about...
Big things may look big, but little things often matter more.
Work smarter, not harder!
It's always darkest before it goes pitch black.
Located under the clear blue skys of North Carolina.
Semi, kind-of sort-of retired ... worked most of my life as a software engineer...now I spend my days figuring out things I never had time for when I was working.
Taught technology (programming, web...) courses at The Johns Hopkins University for over 20 years. Would like to do more teaching!
Wrote a book, magazine articles. Focused on blogging and working on a book.
USAF Veteran!
Backgound in...
Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering (waterfall and agile)
Web Stack Development
Project Management
Data Engineering, and
spoiling my granddaughter.
Personal Projects...
< Localized LLMs (L3M) >
Localized Large Language Models (LLMs or L3Ms) are computational models that mimic how text is understood and used to simulate human intelligence.
Identify and evaluate LLMs for definitions, categorization, and summarization...running on localized CPU-based architectures.
ChatGPT and cloud-based LLMs are hardware resource intensive. Running LLMs on local machines means you're not subject to being connected all the time, have more privacy, and have the flexibility to change models as they improve.
Capabilities include responding to questions, categorization, document summarization, keyword (general, name, place) extraction, definition generator, outputting to JSON.
Current Focus: optimization...making it faster and more efficient.
Technologies used
- LLMs
- Python
- LLM Support Libraries
- Web Stack
< Enhanced Entity Attribute Value (EEAV) >
EEAV is a very flexible model for capturing and exploiting data sets.
EEAV focuses on data-driven application development.
Starting with a table of data (CSV, JSON), ingest it, then manipulate it for a variety of pruposes. Any 2-dimensional data set can be captured in 3 tables: dataset, attributes, and values.
A secondary aspect of this effort is a web-based environment that makes it easily accessible and available.
Current Focus: adding additional features to the REST capability.
Technologies used
- Python
- Web Stack
- Postgres, SQLite
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Tabulator (table viewer)
History of Computing Book Project...
My favorite class in college was "The History of Computing". I really liked the narrative of how things came to be.
I've started a project to write a thesis, maybe a book, on computing technology over the past 70 years. The goal is to expose the relationships between computing technologies such as programming languages, microprocessors, data, and AI to each other and how they impact people, culture, and economics.
I've listed 27 different technologies from programming languages through the Internet to quantum computing. Started doing graphics...essentially block diagrams describing how these technologies work.
Goal is to finish this by mid 2025.